Latest Federal School Finance Spending Revealed
Here is an article from the Kansas Taxpayers Network that reports on school spending: On Saturday February 12, 2005 I attended a meeting of the South Central Kansas Legislative Delegation. Lynn Rogers, USD 259 School Board President, and Connie Dietz, Vice-President of the same body, attended. There has been a proposal to spend an…
Missing From the Social Security Debate
This is what I haven’t seen mentioned in the debate over the future of social security. Opponents of private accounts cite the risk inherent in investing in markets. Instead, they will rely on future generations of workers to pay the taxes necessary to pay promised social security benefits. It seems to me, though, that investments…
What is Not Good About Internet Search
The success of the Internet search engine Google is amazing. It has become a cultural phenomena, as “to Google” someone or a topic. The implication is that by using Google, you can find all there is to know about a person or subject. In my opinion, this attitude can be deceptive. Relying exclusively on Google…
Increase our awareness of taxes
As the annual tax season is upon us, we should take a moment to examine our level of awareness of the taxes we pay.
SB 58 Testimony from Kansas Taxpayers Network
More testimony opposing SB 58, the bill to allow Sedgwick County to increase its sales tax to pay for the downtown arena. Testimony Opposing SB 58 By Karl Peterjohn, Executive Director, Kansas Taxpayers Network SB 58 is a flawed bill that should either be re-drafted or defeated in its current form, Let me outline the…
Legislative Delegation, Saturday February 5, 2005
On Saturday February 5, 2005 I attended the meeting of the local legislative delegation regarding the arena tax. Representative Tom Sawyer chaired the meeting. The audience wrote questions on notecards, and Representative Brenda Landwehr read them. To the best of my recollection, the people allowed to answer questions were Sedgwick County Commissioner Tom Winters, Sedgwick…
From John Todd: Testimony regarding Senate Bill No. 58
February 3, 2005 Members Senate Assessment and Taxation Committee State Capitol Topeka, Kansas 66612 Subject: Testimony in OPPOSITION TO SENATE BILL #58 (Sales Tax Increase For The Proposed Wichita/Sedgwick County Arena). My name is John Todd. I am a self-employed real estate broker from Wichita, and I come before you in opposition to the enabling…
Written testimony regarding Senate Bill No. 58 (Wichita downtown arena tax)
I realize that the voters in Sedgwick County voted for the arena sales tax increase. I believe, however, there is ample reason why you should vote against the tax. The idea of the taxpayer-funded arena came about so fast in the summer of 2004 that there was little thought given to the underlying issues. I…
Abuse Of Tax Funds Must Stop
The following is from the Kansas Taxpayers Network. It shows how government-funded organizations participated in the campaign to increase Sedgwick County taxes. Taxpayers’ funds are being used to promote higher taxes in Kansas. Tax funds are also being used to lobby for higher taxes (see VI. and 1. above). This is an egregious mess that…