Kansas school spending, by district

visualization-example-smallThere’s new data available from Kansas State Department of Education on school spending. I’ve gathered the data, adjusted it for the consumer price index, and now present it in this interactive visualization.

For each school district (and state totals) you can see the trend in each of the three sources of school funding (state, federal, and local) along with the total. A few observations:

State aid per pupil for 2013 ($6,984) is approximately the same as it was in 2006 ($6,941). (All figures are inflation-adjusted, per pupil.)

Total spending per pupil for 2013 ($12,781) is higher than it was in 2007 ($12,991).

You may use the visualization below, or click here to open it in a new window, which may work better.

Data is from KSDE; visualizations created by myself using Tableau Public.


2 responses to “Kansas school spending, by district”

  1. Danedri

    Cool, Bob. Thanks for doing this!

  2. […] Click graph to enlarge: K-12 spending increase vs. taxpayer income increase.  Source: WichitaLiberty.org. Click graph to enlarge: Sources of K-12 funding (local, state, federal).  Source: WichitaLiberty.org. […]

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