Wichita Old Town Theater’s Bill Warren: No Ideas?


Recently the Wichita City Council approved a no-interest and low-interest loan to Old Town Wichita theater owner Bill Warren and his partners. Citizen opinion in Wichita seems to be mostly outrage at this giveaway, and rightly so. See Wichita Old Town Warren Theater Public Hearing Remarks and Wichita and the Old Town Warren Theater Loan.

Now, a post by Randy Scholfield on The Wichita Eagle Editorial Blog (Bill Warren wants your ideas!) comments on how Bill Warren wants Wichitans to send him ideas. According to the Wichita Eagle news story Warren wants filmgoers’ ideas, “Warren, who typically plans his theaters and renovations down to the detail, plans to turn much of the planning for the Old Town Warren remake over to the downtown moviegoing public.” (I guess that’s only fitting, as he asked the citizens of Wichita for a subsidy to help pay for it.)

Wrote Mr. Scholfield in the blog post: “You’d think he and his partners in the Old Town Warren might have a revival plan worked out already, as a condition of the loan, right?”

Now, when it’s too late, Scholfield asks the question. Perhaps he can recall his editorializing in favor of the Warren theater loan.