Wichita tea party more than protest

This Friday, August 28, Wichita’s having another tea party. This event seems more like a carnival or fair, although the spirit of protest and discontent — especially regarding the proposed energy and health care bills — will likely be on display.

I spoke with organizer Lynda Tyler. She says that this event is more than just a tea party. “It’s a ‘get involved’ event where people can come and find an organization or candidate they would like to support and get involved with.”

“People are angry and frustrated. They don’t know what to do or where to go to make a difference. That is why we are hosting this event.”

“Many talk about non-partisan organizations. Kansans for Liberty is a multi-partisan organization — we have Republicans, Independents, Libertarians and conservative Democrats involved in this organization.”

The Kansans for Liberty website is at kansansforliberty.com. This site holds more information about the event, including a map to the site at the Sedgwick County Park.

Unfortunately, one Democrat who will not be able to attend is Nancy Armstrong, who tragically died in July. Nancy brought the first tea party protest event to Wichita at the end of February.

The event is Friday, August 28, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, at the Sedgwick County Park, 6501 W. 21st St North in Wichita. That’s just west of the Sedgwick County Zoo.

There will be food vendors and restrooms. Lynda says to be sure to bring your own chairs.

Admission is free, and donations will be accepted to defray the substantial costs of holding this event.

Here’s a list of speakers appearing at this event.

  • Paul Ibbetson — Author & Radio Personality — the Conscience of Kansas www.ibbetsonusa.com
  • Jim Anderson — Candidate for United States Congress 4th District
  • Dick Kelsey — Candidate for United States Congress 4th District
  • Mike Pompeo — Candidate for United States Congress 4th District
  • Kansas Senator Jean Schodorf — Candidate for United States Congress 4th District
  • David Powell — Candidate for Kansas Insurance Commissioner
  • Flint Hills Center for Public Policy — www.flinthills.org — President Dave Trabert on Hidden State Funds
  • Wichita — South Central Kansas 9-12 Group — Proponents of the 10th Amendment
  • Americans for Prosperity www.AmericansForProsperity.org/Kansas
  • Kansas State Rifle Association — State NRA affiliate — President, Patricia Stoneking on the 2nd Amendment
  • The Kansas Coalition for Life — “Abortion isn’t Healthcare” petition signing — www.Abortionisnothealthcare.com
  • Wichita Pachyderm Club www.wichitapachyderm.net
  • Sedgwick County Pachyderm Club www.scpcwichita.org
  • Republican Women United www.republicanwomenunited.net
  • Kansans for Liberty — Sponsor of this event www.kansansforliberty.com
  • Kansas Libertarian Party — www.lpks.org
  • The John Birch Society — www.jbs.org
  • Dennis Hedke — Hedke-Saenger Geoscience, Ltd.- Myth about Global Warming
  • Morticians for National Health Care Reform — www.morticiansforhealthcare.com — an Anti-ObamaCare group.
  • Roy Helm — Will be singing the Star Spangled Banner — www.ChaseandCompany.com

For a printable flyer, click on American Tea Party in Wichita.


5 responses to “Wichita tea party more than protest”

  1. This is the most active that I have seen the grassroots citizenry become since the Vietnam conflict. I plan on attending the Tea Party in Wichita on Friday the 28th. Please, everyone, call your representative and tell him/her that you will not support them in the next election if they vote for ANY so called health care ‘reform’. JUST SAY NO! THROW THE BUMS OUT!

  2. Mike Shaw

    I am concerned that BO acts like he doesn’t care if the demokrats loose the majority in Congress in 2010. He behaves as if he has a plan to continue installing facism, and I suspect he is planning to do it with all these czars…or maybe he knows something about these weak kneed Republikans that we don’t. I want to see candidates who are Independent, have no party control over them or financial strings attached to them, and will vote for term limits and reduce the Fed Govt to what is spelled out in the Constitution.

  3. SpentPenny (retired copper)

    That’s just three days – we need to get the word out somehow. Glad I stopped in here tonight else I probably would not have known. Anyone here with any influenece over the publicity please work some magic! I will try to round up a few fellow spent pennies, but wouldn’t it be wonderful to get a thousand or so patriots to attend!

  4. Please forward the information to as many people as you know. The mainstream press has not taken this event seriously enough in advance. We have been on several radio stations but they were Christian, The Wolf County 100.5 and one in north central Kansas. I was also on the Gene Countryman KNSS program on Saturday morning but they have not picked it up yet. I would also ask everyone to just Call all the Radio stations in the morning on their call in lines and ask them to talk about it. Lets innundate them with calls and that will get the word out. THANK YOU all!!!

  5. Bethel

    Why are Tea parties not focusing on our local governments? The City, County and School Board members are not listening to anyone while wasting plenty of our tax payers dollars. We are all upset at our Federal government, but isn’t local government closer to us?

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