Nancy Armstrong memorial radio call-in show

Nancy Armstrong Memorial Service, August 4, 2009
American Legion Riders provide a flag line at the memorial service for Nancy Armstrong in Garden Plain, Kansas.

Tomorrow there will be a radio show in Nancy’s honor, as described in this message from BettyJean Kling:

“I am trying to get people to come on the show Wednesday at 8:30 pm central time to tell stories about their interactions with Nancy Armstrong, to make a memory tape record of stories for her family. A record for posterity about her work in sexual abuse in the Navy, or PTSD, her work on the road for Hillary, her work on ACORN and her dedication to the TEA parties!”

BettyJean Kling
The Majority United Radio for Women’s equality, laws and rights
Mon 10:00 pm & Wed 9:30 pm Eastern
Call-in Number:(347) 838-8011

More infomration about Nancy and her passing is at Nancy Armstrong, advocate for liberty.


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