Election eve Kansas poll

An election eve statewide poll in Kansas indicates a likely win for Jerry Moran for United States Senate. The first Congressional district remains a toss-up between Tim Huelskamp and Jim Barnett, and it looks like Mike Pompeo is in control in the fourth district. Kevin Yoder has a large lead in the third district.

In the first public poll for Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Kobach has a large lead, with over twice as much support as nearest rival Elizabeth Ensley.

This poll, conducted by The Singularis Group, LLC, was not commissioned by or paid for by any candidate or candidate committee. Here are the results:

954 Interviews of Likely GOP Primary Voters
All Interviews taken on Monday evening, August 2, 2010
95% Confidence Interval, Margin of Error +/- 3.1%

U.S. Senate
               Statewide 1  2  3  4
Jerry Moran       44     72 38 40 19
Todd Tiahrt       37     21 32 37 63
Tom Little         3      2  4  3  2
Bob Londerholm     2      0  3  2  3
Undecided         15      5 24 18 14

Secretary of State
               Statewide 1  2  3  4
Kris Kobach       38     30 39 50 32
J.R. Claeys       13     17 12  6 19
Elizabeth Ensley  17     13 24 24  8
Undecided         31     40 26 20 41

U.S. Congress, District 1
Tim Huelskamp      26%
Jim Barnett        25%
Tracey Mann        18%
Rob Wasinger        7%
Sue Boldra          5%
Marck Cobb          1%
Undecided          18%

U.S. Congress, District 3
Dan Gilyeat         2%
Dave King           0%
Patricia Lightner  28%
Jerry Malone        5%
Craig McPherson     2%
John Rysvavy        2%
Jean Ann Uvodich    4%
Kevin Yoder        40%
Undecided          17%

U.S. Congress, District 4
Paij Rutschman      6%
Wink Hartman       19%
Mike Pompeo        37%
Jean Schodorf      29%
Jim Anderson        3%
Undecided           6%


One response to “Election eve Kansas poll”

  1. Ann H.

    Really excited to see that Secretary of State poll. Kansas NEEDS Kris Kobach!! He is about the best candidate I can imagine. I was just thinking this morning how we had no idea how that race was going to go, so it was interesting to see a poll on it.

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