Why the Kansas budget is in trouble

Why is the Kansas budget in such bad shape? Not enough taxation? Too much spending?

Kansas revenue and spending 2005 to 2010

Page 2 of the “Overview Presentation FY 2010 Governor’s Budget Report” holds a chart of Kansas general fund revenue and expenditures for years past, and estimates for this year and next year. Here’s an excerpt from the chart, starting with 2005.

Can you guess which line represents revenue, and which represents spending?

The Kansas budget reports may be viewed and downloaded here: www.budget.ks.gov/gbr.htm.


3 responses to “Why the Kansas budget is in trouble”

  1. […] 16, 2009 · No Comments Bob Weeks has a guessing game for […]

  2. Jean Bechtel

    I heard today that a proposal has been made to for congress to give themselves a raise. Considering the state of the state ecomomy, that is an afront to other state employees who almost missed their paychecks, & the tax payers. This same bill I was told has a plan to cut hours to state employees to save money. I guess their raise needs to come from somewhere.

  3. […] groups and advocates often display a chart showing that Kansas spending increased very rapidly during much of the last decade. Representative Melody McCray-Miller reminded the audience that it […]

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