Kansas Policy Institute and the Wichita Independent Business Association are hosting a breakfast event featuring Jonathan Williams, one of the authors of Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index.
This annual publication looks at each of the 50 states and evaluates them on several areas of economic competitiveness. Last year, Kansas ranked 40th for “Economic Performance Rank” and 25th for “Economic Outlook Rank.” It is feared that Kansas may fare even worse this year.
The report is a source of much useful information. For example, did you know that Kansas has 696.3 public employees for each 10,000 people? That ranks us 48th among the states. That’s good news if you’re a public employee union organizer, but bad for everyone else.
The event is at 7:30 am on Friday June 24th at Pioneer Balloon (5000 E. 29th St. N., across from the WSU Metro Complex). The cost is $10. Click here to RSVP by email, or call 316-201-3264.